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5 posts tagged with "oxar"

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· One min read
Adrian Png

Photo by Johnny Brown

In a previous article, I had demonstrated how one could use Vagrant to deploy an OXAR virtual machine directly to Linode.

With Digital Ocean (DO) lowering their prices to match Linode's, I thought it would help the community if I created a similar set of instructions to deploy OXAR on DO. I took this a step further and have provided a branch on the Github repository with a modified Vagrantfile.

· 5 min read
Adrian Png

All Systems Go!

Running a production application on an Oracle APEX instance? Then read on!

Making sure your application is up and running 24/7 doesn't need to be a daunting task, plus it may not even cost you a dime! UptimeRobot provides 50 free monitors that can poll your servers using the smallest interval of 5 minutes. You can easily monitor websites and receive multi-channel notifications of downtime. No excuse!

· 10 min read
Adrian Png

Screen capture of Results

Before I begin, I just wanted to be absolutely clear that this post has nothing to do with Apple's nifty tool for sending out large email attachments.

In my previous post, I shared an approach for creating your very own Oracle Application Express (APEX) instance on a small budget. Briefly, the solution involves using Vagrant to create a very affordable virtual machine (VM) on Linode's pool of servers and run the OXAR build script, to setup the APEX instance very quickly and painlessly.

However, all that power (and savings) comes with great responsibilty.