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4 posts tagged with "vagrant"

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· One min read
Adrian Png

Photo by Johnny Brown

In a previous article, I had demonstrated how one could use Vagrant to deploy an OXAR virtual machine directly to Linode.

With Digital Ocean (DO) lowering their prices to match Linode's, I thought it would help the community if I created a similar set of instructions to deploy OXAR on DO. I took this a step further and have provided a branch on the Github repository with a modified Vagrantfile.

· 3 min read
Adrian Png

ORCLAPEX Meetup Logo

Want to get started on APEX development but don't want to muck around with Linux too much, then this guide's for you! As a follow-up to our second ORCLAPEX-YVR meetup on June 17, 2015, and to supplement Trent Schafer's excellent post on how you could build an Oracle APEX instance, here's a simple procedure that you can use to stand up your personal APEX development environment in probably much less than 30 minutes depending on your Internet connection bandwidth!