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18 posts tagged with "cloud"

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· 2 min read
Adrian Png

I have written on two occasions, "Just a Drop of Oracle APEX" and "APEX and the Affordable Cloud!", about how easy it is to get up and running on hosting providers like Linode and DigitalOcean. The approach largely involves Vagrant, and though it is an easy to use tool, it still needed a little bit of DevOps heroism, and sometimes, dealing with API keys may not necessarily be a priority for someone looking for a quick way to setup a consistent and robust Oracle Application Express environment.

· One min read
Adrian Png

Photo by Johnny Brown

In a previous article, I had demonstrated how one could use Vagrant to deploy an OXAR virtual machine directly to Linode.

With Digital Ocean (DO) lowering their prices to match Linode's, I thought it would help the community if I created a similar set of instructions to deploy OXAR on DO. I took this a step further and have provided a branch on the Github repository with a modified Vagrantfile.