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Post-KScope Blues

· 6 min read
Adrian Png
Director of Innovation, AI and Cloud Solutions @ Insum, a Talan Company

I traditionally write a summary of what I learned and experienced at each technical conference I attend. I do this in order to help both my sponsors and I to take stock of how much value was created by attending a training event. I find this a good practice and give credit to my previous employer Nanyang Polytechnic for instilling this culture in me. This year, I decided to do this as a blog post as well and hopefully, provide others an opportunity to decide if KScope15 should be on your training calendar next year.

Spring into Spring Roo

· 4 min read
Adrian Png
Director of Innovation, AI and Cloud Solutions @ Insum, a Talan Company

I was very excited to receive my copy of Spring Roo in Action. This is a fairly recent MEAP offering from Manning and is scheduled to be ready by the end of this year (2011). A 500-page quick-start guide, and IMHO, the missing manual for anyone interested in learning agile and rapid prototyping using Spring Roo.

The Elephant Rider in Action

· 3 min read
Adrian Png
Director of Innovation, AI and Cloud Solutions @ Insum, a Talan Company

I was very excited to get my hands on a copy of Mahout in Action. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are my most favourite subjects in Computer Science. Back during my school days, AI and ML were primarily used in research, and sometimes banks use them for fraud detection. I am glad that it is gradually being adopted in mainstream businesses with the help of easy to use frameworks like Mahout, backed by commodity distributing platforms like Hadoop.

Exclude Rules for Eclipse+SVN

· One min read
Adrian Png
Director of Innovation, AI and Cloud Solutions @ Insum, a Talan Company

More like a "note to self", but I'm sure others might find useful. Here's a list of excludes to include that will prevent Eclipse artifacts from synchronizing on your Subversion server.

  • .project
  • .classpath
  • .settings (added on 17-Jan-11)
  • .springBeans (added on 14-Dec-10)
  • target (and/or bin)

Location Aware Applications (Part 1)

· 3 min read
Adrian Png
Director of Innovation, AI and Cloud Solutions @ Insum, a Talan Company

The Manning Early Access Program, or MEAP, is a program that allows you to purchase an electronic copy of a book even before it is published. This allows readers to participate in the development of the book's content. You will of course receive the final version of the book when it goes gold. I recently got my hands on a copy of the MEAP book, Location Aware Applications. At the time of this post, only 50% of the book has been completed. So here are my early impression of this upcoming title.