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2 posts tagged with "langchain"

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· 8 min read
Adrian Png

A flagger stopping a truck on a remote dessert highway.

Now that I caught your attention, I hope the image isn't too triggering. I grew up learning to fear these little black monsters that potentially carry a load of Dengue virus that could make you really sick. As recently reported, the disease continues to be an issue in Singapore. During my undergraduate years, I was deeply passionate about viral diseases, and spent a few months in the laboratory learning to characterize the structural components of the virus using cyrogenic electron microscopy. Hence, when Luc Demanche challenged me again to demonstrate retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), I decided to collect and use a few recent articles (PMIDs 38140548, 37478848, 37114191), and use them to create a quick proof-of-concept Oracle APEX application that allows the user to ask questions about the disease. These articles cover topics on the Dengue virus, its genomics and ultrastructure, and progress in vaccine development.

· 11 min read
Adrian Png

A flagger stopping a truck on a remote dessert highway.

In case you missed it, for the last few blogs posts, I had been using Stability AI's Stable Diffusion model to generate the banner images, and I have been mostly successful. Did I really need to? Perhaps not. For this post, I spent almost 30 minutes trying to figure out the "right" prompt to generate the image I wanted: "A car stopped in front a stop sign."